enginnering project

In 2009, SBEC was contracted directly by Colorado School of Mines to develop a south campus chilled water micro master plan since the chilled water system for south campus is largely decentralized and without a comprehensive approach.

The south campus cooling loads include twenty one (21) buildings of which nine (9) are existing and twelve (12) are proposed new buildings/additions.  A study of the existing campus chilled water system was conducted as well as the tunnels which convey the chilled water and steam/condensate piping.  SBEC analyzed projected building cooling loads of existing buildings and future construction and created a master plan to expand the chilled water system.  Additionally, SBEC utilized pipe/flow modeling software to help design and interconnect one existing and two future regional chiller plants.

Ultimately, SBEC took all the information gathered and created a cost opinion as well as a planned phased approach to completing the extensive amount of work including new chiller plants, chiller plant renovations, tunnel extensions and building connections.

Cost:$20,600,000 (total of all 7 phases)