enginnering project

In 2012, SBEC was selected as the prime consultant to provide HVAC systems up-grades for Colorado Community College System Building 758. The project improved the operation, efficiency and comfort control of the building-wide HVAC system.

The scope of work included replacement of the central air-handling equipment, terminal zone distribution and associated controls.

The buildings HVAC system was modified from the original dual duct system to a new VAV system with hydronic reheat. This required replacing the air handling unit, supply distribution and all of the terminal units. The existing return duct was cleaned and revised to assist controlling project cost.

Thermal reheat coils were provided at the zone level based on thermal load calculations to provide zone control. The coils provided hydronic heating water from the existing heating water boilers system. New heating water circulation pumps were installed to accommodate the buildings expanded heating water system. New DDC controls were installed to modulate the airflow, reset discharge air temperatures and control reheat coil valves to maintain space temperature set points.

Cost:Phase I: $780,000 Phase II: $907,000
Area:85,560 GSF